Access Cross – Linking Mass Spectrometry
UU (Utrecht, The Netherlands) Albert Heck, Simone Lemeer, Maarten Altelaar, Richard Scheltema
Postdocs Riccardo Zenezini Chiozzi, Franziska Voellmy
IP (Paris, France) Julia Chamot- Rooke, Mariette Matondo
Insitut Pasteur
Postdoc Mathieu Dupre
ETH/FGCZ (Zurich, Switzerland) Paola Picotti, Alexander Leitner, Ralph Schlapbach, Bernd Roschitzki
Functional Genomics Centre, Zurich
IMIC (Prague, Czech Republic) Petr Novák , Petr Man
IMIC Czech Republic
in partnership with
CEITEC /MU (Czech Republic) Zbyněk Zdráhal, Ondřej Hradil, Ladislav Čoček,Veronika Papouskova,
Central European Institute of Technology
Access Phosphoproteomics
UU (Utrecht, The Netherlands) Albert Heck, Simone Lemeer, Maarten Altelaar,
Postdocs Riccardo Zenezini Chiozzi, Franziska Voellmy
UCPH (Copenhagen, Denmark) Matthias Mann, Jasper Olsen, Michael Nielsen
Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research
TUM (Munich, Germany) Bernhard Küster, Christina Ludwig
Technical University Munich
Miriam Abele (PhD)
Access Clinical Proteomics
UCPH (Copenhagen, Denmark) Matthias Mann, Jasper Olsen, Michael Nielsen
Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research
Access Epigenetics and Proteomics
IEO (Milan Italy) Tiziana Bonaldi, Alessandro Cuomo, Roberta Noberini
European Institute of Oncology
Access Top-Down Proteomics
UU (Utrecht, The Netherlands) Albert Heck, Simone Lemeer, Maarten Altelaar,
Postdocs Riccardo Zenezini Chiozzi, Franziska Voellmy
IP (Paris, France) Julia Chamot- Rooke, Mariette Matondo
Insitut Pasteur
Postdoc Mathieu Dupre
IMIC (Prague, Czech Republic) Petr Novák , Petr Man
IMIC Czech Republic
in partnership with
CEITEC /MU (Czech Republic) Zbyněk Zdráhal, Ondřej Hradil, Ladislav Čoček,Veronika Papouskova,
Central European Institute of Technology
Access Chemical Proteomics
TUM (Munich, Germany) Bernhard Küster, Christina Ludwig, Gabriele Kröppelt, Silvia Roetzer
Technical University Munich
Isabella Straub (Postdoc), Miriam Abele (PhD)
Access Data Independent Aquistion, Label-Free Quantitation, Parallel Reaction Monitoring
ETH/FGCZ (Zurich, Switzerland) Paola Picotti, Alexander Leitner, Ralph Schlapbach, Bernd Roschitzki
Functional Genomics Centre, Zurich
CNIO (Spain) Javier Muñoz
Spanish National Cancer Research Center
CRG (Spain) Eduard Sabidó
Centre For Genomic Regulation
Access Post Translational Modifications, COFRADIC
VIB (Gent, Belgium) Kris Gevaert, Francis Impens, Lennart Martens
Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie
Access Image Based Proteomics
IEO (Milan Italy) Tiziana Bonaldi, Alessandro Cuomo, Roberta Noberini
European Institute of Oncology
KTH /SCILIFELAB Mathias Uhlen, Charlotte Stadler, Emma Lundberg
Royal Institue of Technology, Stockholm
Computational Proteomics
EMBL-EBI (UK) Juan Antonio Vizcaíno, Yasset Perez-Riverol
qPortal for Omics Technologies
EKUT Sven Nahnsen, Oliver Kohlbacher, Timo Schaschenberg
Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
Network and Algorithm Development for Structural Proteomics & Medical Science
Research Institute of Molecular Pathology
Computational Biology
UIB Thomas Arnesen
University of Bergen
Access EPIC-XS Training Teams
FORTH (Heraklion, Greece) Workshop JRA3 – Translational Proteomics
CHROMATIN PROTEOMICS WORKSHOP 22-27 Sept 2019 Heraklion, Greece
Foundation For Research & Technology John Strouboulis, Michalis Aivaliotis
UT (Tartu, Estonia) Workshop JRA2 – Future and Emerging Proteomics Technologies
Workshop will take place in Sept/Oct 2021 Details to follow
University of Tartu Sergo Kasvandik, Lauri Peil
UCAM (Cambridge UK) Workshop JRA4 – Proteome Organization – Structural and Spatial Proteomics
Workshop will take place in March/April 2021 Details to follow
University of Cambridge Kathryn Lilley
UIB (Bergen, Norway) Workshop JRA1 – Computational Proteomics and Cross-Omics Integration
Workshop will take place in May 2022 Details to follow
University of Bergen Thomas Arnesen, Harald Barsnes
EPIC-XS Management Support Team
Utrecht University Martina O’Flaherty, Reinoout Raijmakers, Jeroen Prins (financial controller)
EPIC-XS Scientific Advisory Board
Anne-Claude Gingras, Brian Chait, Ruedi Aebersold, Nurhan Özlü, Inmaculada Figueroa