This joint research project is lead by Paola Picotti (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland) and focuses on the higher-order layers of proteome organization. The project will focus on the development and integration of different antibody- and mass spectrometry-based proteomic technologies to characterize the subcellular organization of the proteome and the higher-order structure and folding of proteins. This joint research activity involves partners Utrecht University (The Netherlands), ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), Institute of Microbiology (Czech Republic), Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (Austria) and The University of Cambridge (UK).

Proteome Organization: Structural & Spatial Proteomics
The fourth Joint Research activity (JRA4) focuses on the higher-order layers of proteome organization. We will focus on the development and integration of different antibody- and mass spectrometry-based proteomic technologies to characterize the subcellular organization of the proteome and the higher-order structure and folding of proteins, within their native cellular/ in vivo environment. Structural proteomics approaches to be explored and advanced through this JRA include chemical cross-linking (XL-MS), limited proteolysis (LiP-MS), surface modification (e.g. HD-X, FPOP), native MS and hybrid combinations thereof. For spatial proteomics we will use and combine antibody-based methods, MS profiling and in situ tagging, building further upon the protein subcellular atlas, and proteome-wide studies of purified organelles, LOPIT, BioID, XL-MS and APEX studies. This project will guide the selection of the most suitable approaches to address a variety of research questions in our EPIC-XS access community. New bioinformatics tools essential for these new technologies will be co-developed with JRA1 (Computational Proteomics & Cross-Omics Integration), and novel tools for structural proteomics will be co-developed with and implemented in JRA2 (Future & Emerging Proteomics Technologies).