This is one of four Joint Research Activities within EPIC-XS, lead by Julia Chamot Rooke from the Institut Pasteur (IP) and aim’s to progress beyond the state-of-the-art methodologies by developing groundbreaking novel proteomics technologies that will improve throughput, coverage, PTM analysis sensitivity towards single cell analysis, reproducibility, dynamic range and multiplexing capabilities. This joint research activity involves partners Utrecht University (The Netherlands), University of Copenhagen (Denmark), ETH Zurich, Centre for Genomic Regulation (Spain), Institute of Microbiology (Czech republic) and the Institut Pasteur (France).

Future & Emerging Proteomics Technologies
In this project (JRA2) the aim is to progress beyond the state-of-the-art, developing ground-breaking novel proteomics technologies that will improve sample throughput, proteome coverage, PTM analysis, sensitivity towards single cell analysis, reproducibility, dynamic range and multiplexing capabilities. Orthogonal approaches for targeted and structural proteomics, including top-down analysis will be integrated. These new technologies will be made directly available to the scientific community through their implementation in our EPIC-XS access sites. Novel bioinformatics tools essential for these new technologies will be co-developed with JRA1 (Computational Proteomics & Cross-Omics Integration) and novel tools for structural proteomics will be co-developed with and implemented in JRA4 (Proteome Organization; Structural & Spatial Proteomics).