1: How much time will a project will take?
Once a project has been accepted for EPIC-XS, the access site manager will conatct the user to discuss logistics and give an estimation of how much time the project will take. The user will be informed of progress of the project by the access site manager.
2: How much bioinformatics support can I expect?
This is up to the discretion of each access site and will be discussed with the user. Visiting scientists will receive bioinformatic support at the site if requested. Follow-up support can be offered virtually and should be discussed with the access site manager.
3: What if I need to run follow-up samples?
This is negotiated between the user and the access site.
4: Can I submit a second proposal?
Yes. all applicants can submit second proposals but not in the same call.
5: Am I obliged to submit a second proposal to the same access site?
The same access site may be approached for a second proposal but this is not obligatory. A user may submit a second proposal to another site informing the access site editor that they had performed experiments in a previous call.