Abbreviation | Participant |
UU | Utrecht University (co- ordinator) |
UCPH | University of Copenhagen |
UIB | University of bergen |
EBI | European Bioinformatics Institute, cmbridge |
UCAM | University of Cambridge |
VIB | Flemish Institute for Biotechnology, Ghent |
IP | Institut Pasteur, Paris |
ETH | Swiss federal Institute of Technology, Zurich |
FGCZ | Functional Genomics Centre, Zurich |
CNIO | Spanish National Cancer Research Centre, Madrid |
CRG | Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona |

Abbreviations | Participant |
KTH | Royal Institute of Technology, Stokholm |
UT | University of Tartu |
IMIC | Institute of Microbiology, Prague |
CEITEC/MU | Central European Institute of Technology/Masaryk University, Brno |
EKUT | Eberhard Karls University Tübingen |
TUM | Technical University of Munich |
IMP | Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna |
IEO | European Institute of Oncology, Milan |
FORTH | Foundation of Research and Technology, Hellas |